The Boulevard Manor Civic Association will hold its Fall General Meeting at the Church of the Brethren, 300 N Montague Street, on Monday, October 19, 2015 beginning promptly at 7:00 pm.
The agenda will include:
- Powhatan Springs Skate Park renovations – Patti Hurst, Skaters for Arlington Skatepark
- Reeves farmhouse restoration and preservation – Sandra Spear, Reeves Farm Conservation Society
- Arlington Public Schools use permit request for secondary parking for Ashlawn Elementary School faculty and staff to use up to 30 parking spaces at the Powhatan Springs Park
- Neighborhood Conservation Plan – discuss possible new NC project (click here for additional information)
- Provide supplemental funding for restoration of Reeves farmhouse and historic displays throughout the property.
- Install traffic management at high traffic and high speed areas within the neighborhood.
- Repair sidewalks damaged by tree roots in various areas of the neighborhood for public safety.
- Remove invasive plants and restore woodland in small valley south of 5900 block of First Street N.
- Restore woodland and establish nature trail in Powhatan Springs Park.
- Approval of minutes of previous meeting (See post below with links to draft meeting minutes)
- Reports of committees, standing and special
- Upcoming events
I hope you can attend.
Phil Klingelhofer, BMCA President