Recent posts on Conservation and Beautification
- Arlington Blvd/Rt 50 Shoulder November 2019 Beautification and Restoration Update November 11, 2019
Thankfully our army of two was enough to plant the two staghorn sumacs on Sunday for what is turning into be an annual Veteran’s day planting and maintenance of the trees we put in on the Arlington Boulevard/Rt. 50 shoulder in December 2015.
We are almost to four years of tree growth. ...
- OMG!!! Another Kitchen Sink in Powhatan Springs — June 8, 2019 Clean-up June 10, 2019
Had a very successful clean-up with the help of Arlington’s Boy Scouts’ Troop 141 in Powhatan Springs Saturday morning. The Scouts, who thankfully had contacted us to volunteer to do conservation work in our neighborhood, stacked cut-up downed trees and brush to create homes for wildlife and hauled out another load of trash ...
- Rt.50 February-March 2019 Clean-up and Birds of Prey! March 24, 2019
Thanks to all that have coming out over the last few weeks for cleaning up the Rt. 50 shoulder and removing invasives from the trees.
In late February we made good progress clearing out the invasive bush honeysuckle on the NE corner of Manchester ...
- Arlington Blvd/Rt 50 Shoulder Beautification and Restoration November 2018 Update November 25, 2018
Thanks to all that came out for our Veteran’s day maintenance of the trees we planted on the Arlington Boulevard/Rt. 50 shoulder! While we were out, we re-staked the trees, did some weeding, and replaced some of the trees that have not made it. What a difference three years make! The largest eastern ...
- Powhatan Springs February 2018 Clean-up – More Trash and Invasives February 26, 2018
The below write up from ARMN, who was there today along with BMCA and the skateboarders. I think we are taking it out faster than it is coming in, but we will have to keep at it. ARMN has proposed more dates over the next few months. See the end of their message ... - Rt 50 Shoulder Beautification and Restoration Update and Next Steps – Improve all of Rt 50? (in Arlington) September 24, 2017
The trees we planted on the Rt. 50 Shoulder are growing in nicely. It is a good mix of the smallest ones we purchased from Earth Sangha, slightly larger ones we received free through the Arlington County tree give away in conjunction with Tree Stewards, and the one largest ones we purchased ...
- South Side of 1st Street N and Bluemont Park Trash Pickup August-Sept September 24, 2017
Phil has been going to town rounding up volunteers in the good weather in the last month to dig in and clear out the trash in the area around 1st Street where it intersects the entrance to Bluemont Park. We were first there on Pearl Harbor Day December 2014 to tackle the ivy and see ...
- Bluemont Park Neighborhood Conservation Project to begin by mid-November November 2, 2016
The Boulevard Manor Civic Association (BMCA) Neighborhood Conservation project for Bluemont Park is set to begin this month. Kathy von Bredow, RLA, Arlington County Parks and Recreation, will oversee the project which includes several different elements.
This NC project is a multi-year program that will:
Restore the natural woodland area in Bluemont Park (in the area west of ...
- Powhatan Springs May 7, 2016 Clean-up – A Success – Again May 12, 2016
Generating some post-Earth Day momentum, our BMCA, Arlington Master Naturalists, and Skaters for Arlington Skate Park volunteers pulled a pile of newly sprouted invasives — particularly garlic mustard — and hauled out a considerable amount of trash. Thankfully, the weather held and the moist ground made it that much easier to pull up ...
- Powhatan Springs – Invasive Removal and Trash Cleanup – Saturday, May 7, 2016, 10-12 AM – Please Come! March 30, 2016
Trust we won’t have another snow shower, cold wind and rain — Please join us on Saturday, May 7, from 10AM-noon as we continue rehabilitating the woods at Powhatan Springs Park. Arlington Master Naturalists will join us. We will be removing garlic mustard, any other remaining invasives, and trash.
We will have some bags for ...