Arlington County CPHD (Community Planning and Housing Development) in conjunction with DPR (Department of Parks and Recreation) is implementing a Neighborhood Conservation (NC) project Bluemont Park. This is a project that the Boulevard Manor Civic Association has approved as part of the Spring 2016 funding round for NC projects. The general area is between Carlin Springs and N. Manchester St and includes the area south of 1st St N. This project has several goals: removal of invasive plant material; establishment of native trees and shrubs for bird and wildlife habitat; and enhancement of the aesthetic quality in the park for both home owners and trail users.
A private company will treat invasive plants using power equipment and herbicide application on Monday November 14th, 2016. Signage will be placed in areas treated with herbicides and it is recommended that park users avoid these areas until after the material has dried and the signs are removed. These areas will recover naturally and through planting of additional native trees over the next several years. Only the forested and riparian section of the park is included in the treatment area. The contractors will use an EPA-approved herbicide that is formulated for use near water in natural areas. The contractors will be doing a foliar application of herbicide, meaning that they will spray the leaves of the invasive plants being targeted.
We thank you for your understanding and cooperation. You are welcome to contact me at for details about the treatments or the NC project manager, Kathy von Bredow at for more information about the project.